Welcome to my site! I'm

Nila Smairat

front-end developer based in San Diego

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Below are some of my best applications and projects

yogurt app preview

Yogurt project

One of my very first complete landing pages! šŸ™€ It featured yogurt and marked my initial foray into web development. This project will always hold a special place in my history!
It also highlights:

  • The fundamentals of HTML and its elements
  • The basics of CSS and how to style an HTML page
  • An introduction to JavaScript and its functions
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meteo-forecast app preview

Meteo project

The following project features real-time updates, detailed forecasts, and an intuitive user interface.
It also highlights:

  • Advanced JavaScript techniques (ES6) to build interactive applications
  • How to integrate a live API to fetch live data
  • How to use Git and GitHub to manage code like professionals do
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woman with computers and wires

Women coding Lending page

The following project showcases advanced web design and development skills that Iā€™m proud of. The landing page highlights women who code and their history.
It also highlights:

  • Advanced pure CSS grid techniques and responsive CSS grids
  • How to integrate the Bootstrap framework for design and responsiveness
  • How to embed different kinds of data and use design techniques such as tables and filters
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ai pizza generator app preview

AI project

My First Interactive Web Application Using Artificial Intelligence! šŸ™€
It also highlights:

  • How to write prompts and give instructions to AI tools like ChatGPT
  • How to integrate an AI API into my code
  • How to build an interactive text generator with AI
  • How to integrate CSS in JavaScript
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